


  1. Right to Information
    In accordance with Article 11 of Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter LOPDGDD) and Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), we describe how Dust Games processes personal data.


    • Who decides how your data will be used and what means will be employed to process it?

      The data controller is:

      Dust Games

      Contact email: hello@dustgames.es

    • Who ensures that all regulations governing information processing are correctly applied?

      You can contact the Data Protection Officer by sending an email to hello@dustgames.es.

    • What is the purpose of processing your data, what is the legal basis for these data processing activities, and how long will the data be kept?

      PurposeLegal BasisRetention
      Provision of requested servicesContractual relationship and legal obligationDuring the limitation period of legal actions
      Sending information about activities by email or postContractual relationship and consentUntil consent is revoked
      Request for informationConsentDuring the limitation period of legal actions
      Employee managementContractual relationship and legal obligationDuring the limitation period of legal actions
      Supplier managementContractual relationship and legal obligationDuring the limitation period of legal actions
      Compliance with legal and contractual obligationsContractual relationship and legal obligationDuring the limitation period of legal actions
      Image managementConsent and Article 8 of Organic Law 1/1982Until consent is revoked
      Video surveillanceLegitimate interest. Security maintenanceMaximum 30 days from capture
    • Do we process your images?

      We document public events we organize with photographs and videos for the purpose of dissemination on our websites and/or other public information spaces such as our website, social media profiles, and press publications. You can get more information about this by consulting our websites or contacting the Data Protection Officer by sending an email to hello@dustgames.es.

    • Who can access and know the content of your data?

      To comply with the above purposes, the following individuals and entities may have access to personal data. Their access will be limited to the data necessary to perform the functions of the data controllers. All entities and individuals receiving data have signed confidentiality agreements and/or specific agreements regulating access to information, security measures, and the use that can be made of the data. Access to data may be granted to:

      • Authorized personnel by the data controllers.
      • Suppliers necessary to fulfill the services you request or to comply with legal and contractual obligations, such as:
        • Advisory services
        • Financial institutions
        • Insurance companies
        • Software maintenance companies
        • Hardware maintenance companies
        • Advertising and marketing companies
        • Auxiliary services
      • Public administration within the scope of their competencies
      • Social networks, provided you have previously consented to the dissemination of your identifying data.

      You can get more information by consulting the Data Protection Officer.

    • Are cross-border data transfers made?

      If cross-border data processing is carried out, these transfers are made to countries deemed adequate by the European Commission or in accordance with the guarantees required by the GDPR, such as standard data protection clauses approved by the European Commission.

      All information about the rights of users who have allowed digital processing can be found in the legal notices of the websites that contain the software and applications. Since access is free, the content of the notices is considered reproduced. Given the length of the policies published, you can request a copy by contacting the data controller or the Data Protection Officer at the addresses provided at the beginning of this section.

      The data controllers use the following programs, which may involve data transfers outside the Schengen area:

    • What rights do the data subjects have?

      At any time, you can exercise the rights regulated by GDPR 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (Articles 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22), which are as follows:

      • Right of access
      • Right of rectification
      • Right of erasure
      • Right to restrict processing
      • Right to data portability
      • Right to object
      • Right to withdraw consent
      • Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions

      To exercise these rights, you can write to the addresses of the data controllers or send an email to hello@dustgames.es, with the text «DATA PROTECTION» in the subject line and attach a photocopy of your DNI, NIE, or passport in the email.

    • How can a complaint be filed?

      You can do so by sending an email to hello@dustgames.es.

      If you believe that your rights have been violated, the competent authority to oversee the proper application of the regulations on information processing is the Catalan Data Protection Authority, located at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 635, 1st floor.

  2. What obligations do I have as a data subject?

    The data subject must provide truthful and up-to-date information in all data collection processes, being responsible in case of a violation of this obligation.

    Depending on the request made by the data subject, the required data are marked on the collection forms. If the required data is not provided, it could affect the right to participate in the activity or prevent the provision of the requested service.

  3. Can data controllers create profiles?

    To provide more personalized, accurate, and effective attention to the user, it may be necessary to create profiles of the service recipients. No profiles are created without the direct intervention of a physical person.

  4. User consent

    It is understood that the user accepts the proposed conditions if they click the ‘ACCEPT’ button on the data collection forms or if they send an email to the contact addresses listed on the website.

    Personal data is stored in the general administration databases of the data controllers, which, in any case, guarantee the technical and organizational measures to preserve the integrity and security of the information they process.

  5. Security

    The general databases are regulated by internal security regulations and have all the technical means at our disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, or theft of the data you provide us. The processing of personal data is in compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018 on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016.

  6. Use of IP addresses

    To facilitate the search for resources that we believe are of interest to you, you may find links to other pages on this website.

    This privacy policy only applies to this website. The data controllers do not guarantee compliance with these rules on other websites, nor are they responsible for access through links from this site.